It all began with a crazy, yet beautiful dream to escape to paradise. There I was, a wandering 19 year old searching the depths for adventure.Thanks to the surfing culture in which I was concieved I went walkabout to the Sunshine Coast of Australia. It was then a love story began, between a South Pacific wonderland and reckless California girl. Fast forward 4 years and a Marine Science degree later you will find a 23 year marine biologist about to embark on my first job. Next stop Fiji! Welcome to the working world right? I've sold off my material belongings, packed up whats left of my life in a few boxes and have laid it all on the line. I am risking sanity, technology, fresh water and long hot showers for a life less ordinary. Things to anticipate.... Mosquitoes and all the painful itching associated, humidity that feels like a sauna, Fiji time, KAVA, stray dogs, ferile cats, and last but not least.... SEA SNAKES!
In an attempt to stay connected with the outside, mainland world, I have decided to blog my experiences and adventures here for all to see. I hope you enjoy